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Issuing passport of a citizen of the RA over 16 years old

Required Documents

On the first-time documentation of a child under the age of 16 with a passport of the Republic of Armenia
For the first-time documentation of a child under the age of 16 with a passport of the Republic of Armenia, the parents /the legal representative, the authorized person/ shall submit:
  • application in a pre-defined form;
  • birth certificate;
  • 2 color photos, 35x45 mm in size;
  • written consent of the parents for the cases stipulated by the Articles 11, 16, and 18 of the RA Law on Citizenship;
  • marriage certificate of the parents, the certificate on acknowledgement of paternity, or a notice on single motherhood, or the death certificate of a parent, or, in conformity with the established procedure, the court decision on recognizing a parent missing or deceased, and the copy of the decision;
  • parents’ identification documents;
  • the receipt confirming the payment of state duty.
On exchanging a passport of the Republic of Armenia of a child under the age of 16
For exchanging the passport of the Republic of Armenia of a child under the age of 16, the parent /the legal representative, the authorized person/ shall submit:
  • application in a pre-defined form;
  • the passport subject to exchange (replacement);
  • parents’ identification documents;
  • 2 color photos, 35x45 mm in size;
  • the receipt confirming the payment of state duty.
On getting new passport of the Republic of Armenia to a child under the age of 16 in the case of loss of passport
For getting new passport of the Republic of Armenia to a child under the age of 16 in the case of loss of passport, the parent /the legal representative, the authorized person/ shall submit:
  • application in a pre-defined form;
  • birth certificate;
  • marriage certificate of the parents, the certificate on acknowledgement of paternity, or a notice on single motherhood, or the death certificate of a parent, or, in conformity with the established procedure, the court decision on recognizing a parent missing or deceased, and the copy of the decision;
  • parents’ identification documents;
  • 2 color photos, 35x45 mm in size;
  • the receipt confirming the payment of state duty.

Process description

The employee at the passport service checks for the completeness and properness of the submitted documents /their availability, consistency, RA citizenship, registration of the child or one of the parents in the State Register of Population database/.
Upon finishing the completion of the form, the originals of the documents submitted by the applicant /with the exception of the child’s birth certificate and the passport of the national of the Republic of Armenia under the age of 16/ are returned to the applicant. The birth certificate, with a respective seal and indications regarding the issued passport, is returned to the applicant at the receipt of the passport; the exchanged /replaced/ is stapled (perforated) and returned to the applicant in conformity with the law.

Service provisioning time

  1. In the case of granting or exchanging/replacing/ passport:5 working days
  2. In the case of exchanging/replacing/ a lost passport: 10 workingdays
- Before booking a visit, make sure that you have prepared all the necessary documents and paid the state fee. 

- When registering, it is necessary to specify the data of the person who will personally appear for the reception. 

- Individual queuing is required for each visitor, including each family member, regardless of age. 

- A person with the same e-mail cannot be queued more than 4 times within 30 days.
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