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Migration and citizenship services platform


Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions
According to Article 13 of the Law "On State Duties", a state fee is charged for obtaining citizenship of the Republic of Armenia in the amount of the basic fee /1000 AMD/, and for changing /terminating/ the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia - in the amount of 25 times the basic fee /25,000 AMD /.
Frequently asked questions
Renouncing the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia or accepting the citizenship of another state does not in itself lead to losing the citizenship of the Republic of Armenia. The citizenship of the Republic of Armenia is terminated only by the decree of the President of the Republic of Armenia. The citizen submits the application for termination of citizenship and the documents prescribed by law in person to the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia in the Republic of Armenia, and to the Embassy or Consular Institution of the Republic of Armenia in foreign countries.
Frequently asked questions
According to part 1 of Article 201 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, residence by foreigners in the Republic of Armenia without a valid license or residence status or with invalid documents, as well as violating the order of transit traffic through the territory of the Republic of Armenia, results in a fine of 50% of the minimum wage established in the Republic of Armenia. from a little to 100-fold / in the amount of AMD 50,000-100,000/.
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